Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Homemade Magnet Box

I know I'm not the first one to do this, but I think it is a very cool idea that I would like to share.  I've seen people out there make a homemade magnetic fly box, and that's exactly what I decided to do this last weekend.  I bought the box at the local fly shop, and bought magnet tape at Office Depot.  Spent a little time piecing the magnet into the bottom of the box, and adding the numbers to distinguish sizes of flies.  I've really only put about an hour of tying into this box, mainly little blood midges and yong specials.  I think this little box will come in handy in a few weeks when I head to the Juan with a group of buddies.  We have a group of 12, and only me and one other tie our own flies, so I know I'm going to need to crank out some flies to keep everyone fishing.  I'll just let this box get passed around, with people free to choose the size of flies they want to fish.  Even the first time fly fishermen will be able to get a sense of the size of flies they are fishing.


  1. I can appreciate the idea. Makes for a good box. Particularly with the small ones required for the San Juan.

  2. That's a great idea for the DIY guy. I have a very similar problem - organizing a box full of saltwater patterns can be a pain - and the premade boxes are expensive! Perhaps I should do my own DIY on how I construct mine from foam and a plano box. Great info, and great idea to share.

  3. Bravo! I like the idea of separating into sizes... I will have to make up a similar box. Thanks for sharing.
